Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chicken of the Woods

I love mushrooms.  Of all kinds, shapes, colors, flavors, and sizes.  In Ohio & the midwest there is a nice abundance of variety of wild mushrooms, such as morels, pom poms, trumpets, and my favorite: Chicken of the Woods.
These big, bright, fleshy mushrooms are a type of "shelf" mushroom.  Because they grow on the sides of trees and resemble shelves.  When cut and sauteed in a pan, they taste JUST LIKE CHICKEN... and it's delicious on a pizza.
While perusing the local produce available at the Clintonville Co-Op this week, I found these gems and bought them.  ALL of them. So this week's special pizza will be a vegan BBQ chicken pizza. topped with these mushrooms, Annie's organic vegan BBQ sauce, grilled corn, red pepper, onion, and a sprinkling of Daiya vegan cheddar cheese.  This pizza is absolutely delicious, and will only be available while the mushrooms are.

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